Deep dive
Deep dive with TJdeVries - NeoVim advent playlist from TJdeVries
:source % # execute current buffer(file)
:lua # execute selection
:lua MyCoolFunction # execute function
How NeoVim starts
06:45 start from scratchinit.lua
09:35 run selected code
Our configuration starts with our init.lua
-- Set <space> as the leader key
-- See `:help mapleader`
-- NOTE: Must happen before plugins are loaded (otherwise wrong leader will be used)
vim.g.mapleader = " "
vim.g.maplocalleader = " "
vim.g.have_nerd_font = true
-- [[ Install `lazy.nvim` plugin manager ]]
lazy.nvim (package management)
00:45 installationThe dots
in require mening folders on disk. "config.lazy" means actualy the file lua/config/lazy.lua
. All files must be within a main folder lua. And the lua folder must be within the runtimepath (rtp)
01:48 runtimepath (rtp)
03:30 lazy explained
13:00 how lazy configures (functions config and opts)
When a plugin is required, its getting loaded and setup(ops)
is called. Also config()
is called (loaded). It is better NOT to use the config function (see lazy.nvim website).
We do use a special version of the kickstart project which has seperatad files and lazy is loaded from the file ~/.config/nvim/lua/lazy-bootstrap.lua
03:00 treesitter queries in neovim04:00 treesitter plugin for loading queries
05:30 install plugin
09:24 :checkhealth treesitter
09:45 :Inspect
10:10 :InspectTree
11:45 change highligth color
12:40 open query editor 00:50 install telescope
:Telescope find_files
03:00 setting keymaps
:checkhealth telescope
05:50 install keymaps
06:00 install themes
07:50 default theme
show keymaps