Welcome to PDF-toolbox

PDF-toolbox is a java8 program for creating searchable PDF documents and PDF documents with an overlay to make writingpaper.



usage: PDF-toolbox
list of all options and commands
 -c,--createLogFile         create a new log4j.properties
 -D,--destfile <file>       The destination PDF
 -h,--help                  print this message
 -L,--overlayfile <file>    The overlay PDF
 -o,--overlay               Overlay the original PDF with a writingpaper
 -O,--originalfile <file>   The original PDF
 -r,--replace               replace the original file with the resultfile
 -s,--ocr                   OCR the origanal picture or PDF to searchable PDF
 -v,--version               print program version
 -V,--verbose               be extra verbose
Have a lot of fun with this VirtOrg program.

usage: PDF-toolbox [[options]] command [[parameters]]
usage: PDF-toolbox --overlay --originalfile <file> --overlayfile <file> --destfile <file>
usage: PDF-toolbox --overlay -O <file> -L <file> -D <file>
usage: commands
list of all commands
 -o,--overlay   Overlay the original PDF with a writingpaper
 -s,--ocr       OCR the origanal picture or PDF to searchable PDF
usage: parameters
list of all parameters
 -D,--destfile <file>       The destination PDF
 -L,--overlayfile <file>    The overlay PDF
 -O,--originalfile <file>   The original PDF



pdf-toolbox --overlay -O eurotext.pdf -L flyer.pdf -O new-doc.pdf
pdf-toolbox --ocr -O eurotext.tif -D eurotext.pdf

java commandline:

java -jar target/vtgPDF-toolbox-0.1.4.jar --version
java -jar target/vtgPDF-toolbox-0.1.4.jar --overlay -O eurotext.pdf -L flyer.pdf -O new-doc.pdf
java -Djna.library.path=/opt/local/lib -Dvtg.tessdata.path=/opt/local/share -jar target/vtgPDF-toolbox-0.1.4.jar --ocr -O eurotext.tif -D eurotext.pdf